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Chat GPT-4: What’s new and what are the differences from the third version?

What’s new in GPT-4?

As computer technology continues to advance, generative language models are no exception. GPT-3, created by OpenAI, is an impressive example of how artificial intelligence can improve itself in generating textual content. However, some limitations have already been identified in this model. In this article, we will examine the expected changes and innovations that will appear in the next version – GPT-4.

Increase in Model Size

One of the main features of GPT-4 is an increase in its size. The predecessor of GPT-3 had 175 billion parameters, while GPT-4 can have up to 10 trillion parameters. This means that the new model will have significantly greater computational power, allowing it to generate texts with higher accuracy and diversity.

Training on New Data

GPT-4 will be trained on new data sets. In particular, OpenAI plans to use data from online sources such as Wikipedia, as well as from social networks and other online platforms. This will allow the model to acquire a wider range of knowledge and experience, which should lead to more accurate and diverse results.

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Improvement in image and video generation

GPT-4 is expected to have significantly improved capabilities in generating images and videos. OpenAI is already working on models that can generate photorealistic images as well as videos with any desired animation. These capabilities will be integrated into GPT-4, allowing the model to create more high-quality and diverse content.

New generation control features

GPT-4 is expected to have significantly improved capabilities in controlling the generation of textual content. New features should allow users to better control what the model generates. For example, this may include the ability to specify the topic, style, or tone that should be represented in the generated content, as well as the ability to control the length or structure of the text. This will give users more flexibility in how they use the model and help them achieve more accurate and specific results.

Increase in generation speed

With the increase in model size and training on new data, GPT-4 should become faster in generating textual content. This will be an important improvement that will make the model more efficient and accessible to a wide range of users. A faster generation process will also allow the model to generate texts with higher accuracy and diversity.

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New Applications

GPT-4 is expected to become a significant tool for creating various types of textual content, including copywriting, social media content creation, news writing, and much more. With its improved accuracy and diversity, GPT-4 is expected to become a more useful and efficient tool for many companies and industries.
Here are some useful links for those who want to learn more about GPT-4:

  1. OpenAI’s announcement of GPT-4: https://openai.com/blog/announcing-gpt-4/
  2. VentureBeat article on possible applications of GPT-4: https://venturebeat.com/2023/05/01/how-openais-gpt-4-could-transform-content-creation-and-more/
  3. Official OpenAI website: https://openai.com/

I hope these links will help you learn more about GPT-4 and how it can be used to improve artificial intelligence and generate textual content.


GPT-4 is the next step in the development of generative language models, which should lead to significant improvements in the accuracy, diversity, and speed of generating textual content. The increase in model size, training on new data, improved capabilities for generating images and videos, new generation control features, and new applications will all lead to a more efficient and useful tool for many companies and industries. GPT-4 is expected to become a new stage in the development of artificial intelligence and generative language models.

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